Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Easy Way to Get Cricket Scores Online

Most of us in India, live cricket. Cricket runs in our blood. When there is cricket, we put that before food & job. Yes, that's the way we are.

Now, if you are at work, in all probabilities, you would be accessing live scores from rediff.com. As you can see there is a small refresh button, which has to be continually pressed for getting updated scores. Sometimes, this is very harassing. But, there is a round about, if we use Opera web-browser.

Here's how we do it,

Right click on the score page, in menu under Reload option, we have Reload Every-->

Select any time interval you want, I use a custom time interval of 10 seconds between two successive reloads. Enable this, and you are done.

The score page will automatically reload (or refresh) after time expires and you will get updated scores and most importantly spare yourselves of manually refreshing the rediff cricket score page everytime.

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